Sunday, November 27, 2016

New for November and The Battle of the Vegan Nog....

Hi there!
I have discovered some pretty delicious, new food items this month. I've been blown away by some of the vegan substitutes out there. Not to mention I've started using some new beauty products I'd like to share my opinion on. (That was some bad grammar)

1. The GFB Bites
Oh, my, goodness! I've had a lot of vegan, gluten free cookies in my day but I think I've found my new favorite. Or until the next amazing cookie comes along. I've seen many recipes on Pinterest and Instagram for "Energy Balls", "Protein Cookies"and many other varieties that resemble these GFB bites. The texture from the first bite is unexpected. You're thinking it's a soft cookie but remember it's gluten free which usually means dense. And it is but it's also got a chewiness to it that really delightful. I've only tried the Coconut Cashew Crunch and since it has coconut I loved it but I suspect the other flavors are just as good. There's a nice change in texture from the chewy "dough" to the nutty crunch of the cashews. Not too sweet but full of dessert flavors.

2. Daiya New York Cheezecake
I just about died and went to dessert heaven with this one. I've had about 5 different vegan cheesecakes in my lifetime. Many of which were homemade or from a specialty bakery, but honestly Daiya did it the best. At least that's my opinion. Maybe I need to re-try the other cakes I've tried before just to give a fair comparison because it has been a while but I still think I'll come to the same conclusion. Since it has been a while since I've had even a vegan cheesecake, I had to have my mother try it just to validate my belief that the taste was scary accurate. I think she was just as wowed with the creaminess and correct flavor. Even though I'm pretty satisfied with the New York style, I am eager to try out the other three flavors. I am quite impressed. Doesn't hurt that all Daiya products are gluten and soy free :)

This next one wasn't in my favs list but I feel obligated to mention it since I was so excited to finally get to try it, and it's a revolutionary landmark in the world of vegan foods.

3. The VeganEgg by Follow Your Heart
In all honesty, this is something I would not buy in the future, unless I had a specific use for it or someone asked me to make it for them. If you take any substance that has the texture of scrambled eggs, covered it with enough salt, pepper and ketchup, then yes, I would say this product simulates eggs. This is another occasion where I had to ask whether or not it tastes accurate, since the last time I had an egg was many, many years ago. The future-hubby says it tasted like eggs, so I'll take his word on it. I'm pretty sure we didn't add enough water so once it cooled it kinda clumped together into one yellow pile. I'm not knocking it. It just wasn't my cup of tea. I know there are a lot of people who really like the taste and texture, I'm just not one of them. However, there are rumors that later in 2017 Follow Your Heart will be coming out with the first liquid egg. Of course I will be trying this. 

Before I move into the beauty portion of this review post I want to mention something holiday related. Now a lot of vegans and non-vegans love Egg Nog, I do not. I've never liked it. It was always too thick and sometimes chunky and it smelled weird and no liquid should pour like that. But I am marrying an Egg Nog Lover. So with the holiday season in the air all dairy free companies are coming out with their own version of the Nog. And he and I must try them all. And I learned something; if normal Egg Nog had tasted like So Delicious' Holiday Nog way back when, then I would have enjoyed it so much more. So here is my final say on which company made it best.

1. I still need to try the Vanilla Chai Spice.

 2. The future-hubby would say this is #1. (And if you like the chocolate mint combination as I do, I would recommend you try So Delicious Mint Chocolate Drink. Yum, yum, yum :)
3. Disappointing. 

4. Never actually tried it, but Silk always comes in last, because, well it's Silk.

I have one beauty product to mention.
1. Alaffia Shampoo & Conditioner
If you're used to lather and suds when you shampoo and condition your hair, you're not going to get that with these products. It takes a little getting used to because you feel like you need to use more but you really don't. Of course I went with the coconut scent and it's mighty nice. It is on the pricier side but some of the proceeds go to charity which is great. 

Thanks for reading!
Peace & Love,
The Punk Rock Vegan

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